We will continue to provide our parishioners with the most recent information. To observe the most recent developments in the canonical merger, please see the links provided below.

Contact Us [email protected]


What is a canonical merger?

The Canon Law of the Catholic Church allows for multiple parishes to be combined into a new parish. In the case of our pastorate, this means that Prince of Peace parish and St. Francis de Sales parish will no longer be two separate parishes but one new parish using the name of St. Francis de Sales parish. The primary home of the parish will be the St. Francis de Sales campus.

Why is a merger happening? Can we not fundraise to pay for Prince of Peace expenses?

There has been a significant decline in the attendance, ministries and finances at Prince of Peace over the past few years. The formation of the pastorate with St. Francis de Sales was done in hopes that sharing ministries and expenses would help Prince of Peace. However Prince of Peace continues to be unable to meet their pastoral and operational expenses from their offertory. Maintaining the building and campus is a major part of these expenses. At the end of the financial fiscal year, the parish was notified about the current financial status through a bulletin letter and announcement at the stewardship weekend in September. Charts explaining the situation were also provided in the narthex of the church. The decision to merge the parishes was made by Fr. John in consultation with the pastoral leadership of both parishes and the Archdiocese.

What if I cannot make the dates of the informational prayer sessions?

Please refer to the Canonical Merger page on our website for specific information. There will be five listening sessions for parishioners over several weeks at both Prince of Peace and St. Franics de Sales to give parishioners an opportunity to participate and ask questions about the merger. Please contact the Canonical Merger Transition Team via email with any questions you may have about the merger – [email protected]

Will there be a new name for our parish?

The name of the newly merged parish will continue to be St. Francis de Sales because of its historical value to our community. Any change in the name of the parish would have to be approved by the Parish Pastoral Council as well as the Archbishop of Baltimore. The names of churches cannot be changed without the permission of the Holy See.

Ministries and Sacraments

How would the merger affect the Mass schedule? Will there be extra masses?

St. Francis de Sales parish has the capacity to seat the newly merged parishes. The Mass schedule will be as followed:

Saturday Mass – Confessions at 3 pm and Mass at 4 pm at SFDS

Sunday Mass – 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, and 12:30 pm Spanish.

My family is preparing for a baptism, wedding or funeral that is scheduled at Prince of Peace Church. What happens after the final scheduled Mass is held?

After July 1, 2025, the Prince of Peace Church will only be used for Baptisms, and/or Funerals. No other activities will take place on the Prince of Peace campus.

When will the final Mass of Remembrance and Thanksgiving be celebrated at Prince of Peace church?

The Pastoral Council in conjunction with the Parish Transition Team will advise the Pastor as to what day will be most meaningful for the Pastorate community to celebrate the Mass of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. This Mass at Prince of Peace will take place on or before June 29, 2025. Parishioners can email the Parish Transition Team ([email protected]) with their ideas on how to best celebrate this wonderful history of faith of Prince of Peace Church and parish.

What will happen to the events and ministries that are planned between now and June 30, 2025?

All ministries and events that are currently scheduled for Prince of Peace between now and June 30, 2025, will continue as scheduled. This includes the Sharing Table Ministry, which will continue until June 28.

What will happen to the events and ministries after June 30, 2025?

This merger means that a new parish will form as St. Francis de Sales and Prince of Peace come together. There will need to be a discernment as to how the ministries and events can be shared, what needs to continue, what needs to cease and what needs to begin to best serve our community and make disciples. Ministers and volunteers from Prince of Peace and St. Francis de Sales will be invited to use their gifts in service to the new parish. Fr. John will be in conversation with groups like Knights of Columbus and Scouting about these transitions.

Each chairperson for special events is responsible for making their requests known by speaking with Fr. John, a member of the Pastoral Council, a member of the Transition Team. You may also submit this in writing to [email protected]

Properties and Finance

Will St. Francis de Sales be financially responsible for the current deficit at Prince of Peace? Will St. Francis de Sales be financially responsible for operating expenses after the Mass of Thanksgiving and Remembrance at Prince of Peace?

St. Francis de Sales parish will not be financially responsible for the current deficit at Prince of Peace. This debt will be settled in the future when the campus at Prince of Peace is sold. If/When Prince of Peace no longer has liquid financial resources to cover the expenses of Prince of Peace, then St. Francis de Sales will be responsible for certain required expenses, i.e. insurance, utilities.

What will happen to the monetary donations to the Prince of Peace Capital Campaign?

The monetary donations will continue to be kept in a separate account for the Capital Campaign. They will be used only in a case of emergency. We will not collect more donations for the Capital Campaign after the month of January 2025.

If I contribute to the collection plate between now and June 30, 2025, what happens to that money?

The collection for Prince of Peace will continue to support Prince of Peace expenses until June 2025.

What will happen to the property at Prince of Peace?

The building will be secured after June 30, 2025, and will be monitored weekly for an invasion or property issues. The utilities will be reduced to maintain the integrity of the property.

What will happen to the sacred images and articles at my parish when it closes?

Fr. John will decide what religious articles from Prince of Peace church will be brought to St. Francis de Sales church. Fr. John will also work with the Archdiocese of Baltimore to prepare a plan for the possible distribution of other religious articles to the parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore or other Catholic churches. Nothing will be sold or distributed without careful consideration of its value to the newly formed parish. Nothing will be distributed or sold without the proper permission of the Archbishop or his delegate. Items that are meaningful to the Prince of Peace community will be integrated into the St. Francis de Sales parish when possible.

What will happen to my historical records (i.e. Sacramental Records) when my parish merges?

Sacramental records from Prince of Peace parish have been housed at the St. Francis de Sales campus since 2023 when the parish offices were combined into one.

Will currently schedule events at Prince of Peace continue as planned?

The events and meetings scheduled until the month of June 2025 will continue as planned.

What happens to the Sharing Table?

They will continue serving from PoP until June 28, 2025. They are currently looking for a new place. They serve between 300-400 people each week. We will financially continue to support this ministry. We encourage the continue support of the many volunteers working in this ministry.

What will happen to PoP Knights of Columbus?

Fr. John will have a meeting with the Knights of Columbus to discuss this situation.

What are the plans to bring the two parishes together to introduce and get to know each other?

Fr. John will ask the Transition Team and the Parish Council to discern options to bring the community together.

You are encouraged and welcome to submit your ideas via email to [email protected]

Why did we hear about this from outsiders before you told us that the parish was going to be canonically merged?

Rumors are not facts. As soon as details were completed, notice of the Informational/Prayer Sessions were advertised and meetings began immediately.

What will happen to the elderly that rely on others for transportation?

We suggest and encourage that people who help them now continue to help them by bringing them to SFDS to worship with us.

Will liturgical ministers be welcomed into the same ministries at SFDS?

All ministers will be, and are already, welcome to participate and serve at SFDS. This practice has been in place for a while in our pastorate and there are already many ministers who go back and forth between campuses.

Do we have to register at SFDS?

No. This will be an internal process.

Will SFDS be able to absorb the Mass attendance?

Yes, as we will continue to have the same Mass schedule.

Why were parishioners not notified in writing? Why didn’t you give them an opportunity to help?

At the end of financial fiscal year 2024, the parish was notified with a financial report. This financial information was also shared in the bulletin, and again at all the Masses during Stewardship Sunday weekend in September 2024. Additionally, for several months, charts which provided the financial status and change in demographic information have been on display in the narthex of PoP.

We indicated that we were struggling and needed people to step up. Many parishioners helped, with even some giving more than they could afford. We were down $5K a month and are now down $3.4K a month, which helped the deficit to support maintenance and utilities, but not the mission of the church.

Was this decision by the Pastor?

The decision was a collaboration between the pastor and the leadership of the Archdiocese.

Will we still have two priests?

That depends on the Archbishop.

Will founding members of POP be recognized?

Yes, that process will be discussed by Fr. John, the Parish Council and the Transition Team.

Will there be any outreach to those who have left POP?

Everyone in the area we serve is welcome to join us as we become one community and that includes any people who may have chosen to leave POP.

If there are any additional questions, please send an email to [email protected]